10 Car Cleaning Tips

 screenshot 202023 04 11 20144644Keeping one's car clean is often viewed as a chore or something that is time-consuming and laborious. For people out there who do not enjoy washing and taking care of the vehicle, there are ten car cleaning tips that will help to make this process go easier, make the car look fantastic, and will help to keep it cleaner between regular cleanings.

1. The first step in keeping the car clean would be to unsure that trash and items get taken out of the car regularly. Trash should not be left in the back seat for days at a time. If there is a bag from a fast food restaurant, it should be thrown out that day. This will cut down on the cleaning time where a thorough job is done.

2. Car mats in the car will help to collect water, mud and debris. In between regular cleanings, these mats can be quickly and easily shaken out to keep the dirt out of the car.

3. The trunk and back seat of the car is often a collection place for books, jackets and more. Keeping a small box or bag in the back where a few items can be stores can keep things organized and in one place.

4. When doing a full cleaning of the car, the use of a protecting spray that cleans and treats the dash is recommended. One recommendation would be to not use this on the steering wheel as it can make it slippery and potentially dangerous.

5. A crevice tool for the vacuum is necessary when it comes to getting into the areas between the seats and the console. Otherwise, dirt will be left behind.

6. If the car has leather seats, it is a good idea to use a liquid leather product that is designed to treat and maintain. This will aid in preventing cracked seats.

7. On the outside of the car, using a combination wash and wax product will save considerable time.

8. To avoid getting any water spots on the car, towel drying should be done with a soft and lint free towel.

9. Tires should receive an application of tire spray. These sprays usually should sit on the tire for a few minutes before being wiped off. This will give the tires a nice shine to them.

10. Finally, an air freshener should be placed in the car or one should be sprayed in the interior.


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