Auto financing makes it possible for nearly anyone to buy or lease a car. Some people know exactly what car they want but might not have enough cash on hand to lease or purchase it. For those people, financing can be a great option.
How Financing Works
Your credit score will play a large role in determining what your interest rate will be. The higher your credit score, the better chance you have at obtaining favorable rates. The better your credit, the more options you will have. New car loans will be between two and five years, while pre-owned car loans are usually two to six years. As long as you have fair credit, a job, and an address, you should have no issues receiving financing.
Words of Advice
If you can, bring a current credit report with you to car dealerships. It is irresponsible to let every car dealer run your credit. This will increase your credit score, leading to higher rates and fewer financing options. This ensures that the dealerships will not need to run your credit.
Make it a point to read over all the terms before signing any papers. The interest rate, length of the loan, and the consequences of missing a payment are the most important pieces of information. If your vehicle comes with a warranty, make sure to confirm its details.
Dealership Financing
At Milburn Auto Sales, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service in any way possible. We will walk you through the necessary steps of the financing process and answer any questions you have along the way.
There are numerous benefits to financing with us. We offer a variety of popular programs with varying terms. Our experts will help you find the exact payment plan you're looking for.